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ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Have you ever wondered what you animal is thinking, trying to say to you or wants you to know?

Have you been worried about their behaviour, curious as to why they do certain things or want to help them change something?
Imagine how your relationship would change if you could! And you Can!! 

Dr. Angela began communicating with animals at a very young age. Showing early signs of many natural holistic and healing abilities, she has learned greatly through her own life experience and education.


She has been practicing in the professional animal field and

holistic health field for over two decades, and is a

descendant of at least 5 generations of Equine Professionals.

In addition to Animal Communication, Animal Chiropractic

and Rehabilitation, her prolific portfolio also includes:

  • Doctor of Chiropractic

  • Board Certified Trainer of Hypnosis

  • Mind-Body-Soul Alignment

  • Certified Master NLP and Empowerment Coach

  • mediumship

  • energy readings

  •  intuitive Soul-business consulting

  • meditation

  • Soul Genesis Level III Practioner

  • Quantum Change Process

  • pendulum health alignment and balance

  • dowsing

  • muscle testing

  • past life regression


and of course is one of the only Intuitives in the World Working with animals and their SOULS throughout the Akashic Records.

Angela  firmly believes that we all have the ability to communicate and perform holistic and psychic modalities for ourselves. She believes that we only need to awaken our natural innate abilities that are within us and then to practice them in order to fully comprehend them. For this reason, Angela is developing and offering many on-going workshops and seminars using her knowledge and years of experience as a guide for others, in both animal work and in people work!

In every stage of her personal and professional development and in the growth and expansion of her abilities, Dr. Angela Fully believes she has been placed here to teach and train those in her circle to awaken, and take hold of their own hidden hits and talents, what is also known as your SoulFire. To continually expand that circle, Dr. Angela’s mission is to light a burning fire in ALL of the soul’s who seek her.

Dr Angela currently runs her business SoulFire Success Academy and Transformations from her home-based clinic in Meaford, Ontario, and travels for her horse clients to Grey, Bruce, Simcoe and the surrounding communities.


Dr. Angela and Phoenix her horse

Animal communications and  readings are carried out on a per session and results basis rather than a per hour basis. This method allows the animal to have their full say uninterrupted, answer your questions and give me a full understanding of their situation. Your animal companions are much like humans in their personalities. Some like to chat while others are more reserved so quantity of information will vary from animal to animal. 

In considering a communication session, I ask you to consider the intention of the connection:

In keeping with the most common intentions of connecting, we offer 3 set "layers of connection", most commonly requested. 

Layer 1 is a NOW reading on your animal "today", as they are in their life. This is what most people understand as animal communication and occurs much like you carry on a conversation with a friend. It can be in person, or by distance. It's a fun conversation and the results are often entertaining, enlightening and you learn some great things about your animal. 

Layer 2 is deeper and a LIFE reading. This allows us to discover more about your animal over their whole life. Using their Akashic Life Records, Dr. Angela can tap into previous experiences or situations and get the answers to more in depth concerns, or issues about your animal. Often these are requested when the animal is in poor health, has experienced and unknown trauma or unknown past or has developed some behavioural issue that needs more understanding. As it suggests, this reading will unfold a deeper understanding of your animal's whole life and give you a deeper connection to them. 

Layer 3 is  the deepest layer, and this is a SOUL reading. Just like us, animals have souls (stop letting anyone tell you differently). And they too, have not always been animals (you haven't always been a person either). A soul readings allows us to tap in to the records of their soul and discover who they are at the deepest level. These readings discover their soul purpose and destiny mission, and allow you to help remove any of he old karmic debts and shadow energy from their past. You may even get a glimpse in to their past lives! A perfect reading to get to know a new member of your family, help one transition to the other side or just to create  the deepest level of connection with your animal. This is a FULL soul awakening and be warned.... nothing will ever be the same!

All readings can be  done remotely, though LIFE and SOUL readings have a pre-work component to them. For all readings,  the animal does not need to be awake or aware during the session. All beings are capable of communication  regardless of consciousness. 

Disclaimer: I am not a veterinarian, medical doctor and not legally qualified to offer a diagnosis, prognosis or prescribe. What I offer are intuitive impressions received from you animal companion which cannot be interpreted as medical or health advice. If you are concerned about yours or your animal friend’s physical or emotional well-being please seek out the services of a qualified practitioner.

A SOUL reading is for your animal if: 

  • You feel stuck and you are spinning your wheels

  • You are at a crossroads in your life

  • You feel there is something missing in your life

  • Changes in your life are challenging and need specific guidance and direction

  • Every day seems to be a struggle




A Soul reading and clearing will:

  • Pinpoint and clear obstacles that have been standing in your way.

  •  Validate or offer caution on your current path.

  •  Provide insight and clarity on current challenges.

  •  Offer peace and comfort amidst the chaos.

  •  Freedom to move forward without limitations.

  • Clears debilitating negative energy.

  •  Restores balance in relationships.

  • Reveals the core essence of who you truly are.

  • Be infused with a deeper confidence in your talents and abilities

  • Experience moving from suffering to joy  

  • Creates amazing pivotal life changes. 


About Soul Genesis

Soul Genesis™ is a program designed to better understand one's soul. By studying past experiences and current circumstances, we help guide those in the eternal search for happiness, peace, success and opportunity. Soul Genesis™ connects you to a new field of opportunities that may currently be out of your awareness.



 A message from your Masters Teachers, Guides and Angels will be given with clearings. To complete this session you will receive a prayer of hope, nurturing and peace for the soul. If you feel a natural draw to these possibilities, then book an appointment in person, Skype or phone.


An audio file will be sent to you of the information revealed and a clearing will be performed.




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