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Want to know more about your animal's purpose and how it might fit into your life? Wondering why your horse is struggling or your dog is constantly trying your patience? Or how your animal's journey is intimately tied in with yours? 
If your answer is yes, you will learn all this and much more when you
choose an Animal Communication Reading!

Just like you, your animal was born with a unique soul. A soul that has a purpose, a destiny and ingrained struggles and challenges that are intimately attached to it. In fact, your animal's soul may have been born a person at some point, just as you may have been an animal in a past life. So, as we can connect with a person's soul to discover more about their Soul's Purpose and life, we can connect with  your animal's soul to give you and them solid clarity and truth on their's. 


 Your physical life here on earth interweaves with your spiritual world. Your connection to others in this life, including your animals, is intimately connected to your soul's contracts, agreements and struggles.... and theirs. A Soul Reading for you or for your Animal, will open up these hidden truths and connections that may currently be out of your awareness.


 Soul Awakening  is an intuitive process where we open the records of your animal's soul and find out who they really are at the soul level. It is a transformative process, full of deep layers of understanding, revealing natural gifts and talents, your animal's soul purpose and what their connection to you in the life means. It is also the only intuitive process that ends with a full clearing of your animal's soul, of past energetic bonds and cords, shadow energy, and allows your animal to move forward on their soul mission. 

As the founder The Animal Soul Awakening Process of Animal Communication, I welcome you to this gentle and beautiful process of awakening your animal's soul and transforming your life together, through Animal Soul Communication. 

And I would love to share with you from my heart to yours what a Animal Soul Awakening is!

It is a process of awakening that introduces them to their true potential in the present, living out this life time as an awakened soul... more than an animal moving forward. Discovering a new awareness of your animal's soul path will lead you to understand and know intimately the core essence of who they truly are and why you are together. 

Here is the thing…you maybe thinking right now…

  • That you can’t work with me if you don’t have an animal YET the great news is?… YES you can!

  • Can I telepathically receive messages from animals that have passed?… YES I can!

  • Will my animal tell me things that I want to know…YES they will!

  • Do I offer sessions for folks that do not have animals…OF COURSE!

  • What type of animals do I work with?…ALL KINDS (living, passed, domestic, wild, spirit and totem)


What is Animal Communication and Mediumship?
Animal Communication is classed as a form of telepathy. An ability to exchange thoughts, sensations, visions, conversations, feelings and emotions over time and distance. It is essentially a sharing of energies which develops into a two-way communication that is neither outwardly verbal or physical in nature. Mediumship allows a connection on a much deeper level, the level of the soul. Animal mediumship and human mediumship are very much the same, as both connect energetically with the level of the soul, which are not bound to human or animal forms. 

Can Anyone Be an Animal Communicator?
Yes, every soul has the ability to connect directly with other souls. But as with anything else, the degree to which you are able to communicate and connect, is reflected by the soul's ability, trainings and understanding of animals. 


Although the description of animal communication and mediumship may seem intimidating, it is actually a natural process which we are all able to do. Most people have lost the ability to listen and connect to the animals because of external conditioning. Dr. Angela has rediscovered the innate ability she had as a child to communicate with her furry friends, and has unlocked even deeper abilities within her soul.  She is  able to translate the subtle whispers, feelings and thoughts of animals  into human words, connecting with their souls to discover their truths. It has a become a natural extension of all her work with animals, and aids her animal chiropractic and rehabilitation services immensely. 


Why Consult an Animal Communicator?
Many people will seek an animal communicator when there are behavioural issues exhibited by their animal companions or when there is a sudden change in behaviour. Also when an animal is ill or not thriving. Sometimes it is done for fun and entertainment, or for connecting with your animal on a deeper level. An Animal Soul Awakening session gives you a very deep level of understanding of who your animal is, how you bond with them and may significantly impact they way they live their life. 


Some people may wish to reconnect with animals that have crossed over or request assistance in the process of crossing over for their friend. With Animal Soul Awakening and communication, we can connect with an animal that has passed or assist in crossing, as it is a direct communication with the animal's soul, where ever it may be at the time. This process can bring you clarity and understanding of the purpose of your animal's life with you and that of their soul's journey. 



Do Communicators Need To Come To The House/Barn?
There are some communicators who like to do their sessions at the home of the animal while others prefer to use a picture. I do not need to be with animal physically. To connect with them, I either need to know them pursonally or have a clear picture of the animal's eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. Since the session is done on the energetic levels, where there are no time/space boundaries, there is no need for physical representation of the animal.

What I require is the name, age, sex and breed of the animal which helps to focus the energies and make the connection.

A Soul Reading is for your animal if: 

  • You feel stuck and you are spinning your wheels

  • You are at a crossroads in your life

  • Feel there is something missing from your life

  • Changes that are challenging are occurring and you need specific guidance and direction

  • Everyday seems to be a struggle, like you are swimming against the current 

  • You are struggling with behavioural or health issues with your animal

  • Your animal has a traumatic past

  • You'd like to create a deeper bond with your animal

  • You believe you have a Soul-Level connection with your animal and want to explore it

  • Your animal has passed and you need closure



An Animal Soul reading and clearing will:

  • Pinpoint and clear obstacles that have been standing in your way.

  •  Validate or offer caution on your current path.

  •  Provide insight and clarity on current challenges.

  •  Offer peace and comfort amidst the chaos.

  •  Give you freedom to move forward without limitations.

  • Clear debilitating negative energy.

  •  Restores balance in relationships.

  • Reveals the core essence of who you truly are.

  • Be infused with a deeper confidence in your talents and abilities

  • Experience moving from suffering to joy  

  • Creates amazing pivotal life changes.  

About Animal Soul Awakening 

Animal Soul Awakening and Communication is a Process of Mediumship and Empowerment through soul level communication with your animal.  Through this process, you will gain a better understanding of your animal's soul , its contracts and their mission in life.  By studying past experiences and current circumstances, we help guide them in the external search for happiness, peace, health and destiny mission. Animal Soul Awakening connects your animal to a new field of opportunities that may currently be out of their animal awareness.




 A message from your animal and their Masters Teachers, Guides and Angels will be given with their clearings. To complete this session you will receive a prayer of hope, nurturing and peace for their soul. If you feel a natural draw to these possibilities, then book an appointment in person, Skype or phone.


An audio file will be sent to you of the information revealed and a clearing will be performed.




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