Blast Away
Your Belly
Fat NOW!!
Get a Flat Sexy Waist!
Lose Pounds and Inches!
Gain Energy and De-stress!
Slip into your Skinny Jeans NOW!

Goodbye "Fat Pants"
Hello "Skinny Jeans"!
Proven Results in just minutes a day! Yes, it is that easy!
This simple and tasty nutrition program zeros in on ugly dangerous belly fat with fast, portable nutrition solutions that take the “loss” out of “weight loss.” Think shrinking your belly requires hundreds of boring crunches? Think again! Our fat-burning nutrition programs help you maximize your results and minimize the hours wasted in the gym... no more crunches.
Take the bloat out of your belly, burn the dangerous viceral fat, take inches off your waist — and live energized and stress-free!!
This program was developed by some of the top nutritional scientists in the world, including John Anderson, the “Mineral Man” and World-Renowned Expert in Micro-Nutrient Formulation. With our fat-burning nutrition program you’ll get:
A flat, well-defined belly
A stronger, longer, leaner, sexier body
Better overall strength and flexibility
Fast results — slip into your skinny jeans in no time FLAT!!
All you need to do is contact us. We will custom-design a program for you, targeting your goals and specific needs. Your box of enhanced nutrition will arrive within days and you will be personally guided through the materials and program specifically designed to get your the results you want. Simply follow the program, find a few minutes to work out whenever it fits your schedule — and see results fast!
Admit it — wouldn’t it be nice to lose that stubborn “muffin top” once and for all?
Your Tight and Toned Tummy:
Tailor the perfect Nutrition program just for you!
Our "Melt Your Muffin Top" nutrition program is designed to make it easy for you to tailor it to your exact goals and current level of health.
Choose either the Fat-Burn Weight Loss System or the Athlete's Burn and Build System. No matter what your normal nutrition rountine is, we provide the support to customize our plans to fit your needs, and that of your family! Add more or change the focus once you reach your first goal, including the Performance Plan when you’re ready for more of a challenge — it’s an intense, muscle-building nutrition system designed to shred and sculpt. Whichever program you choose, you can expect to start losing pounds and inches right away.
The right nutrition will make you stronger, leaner, sexier, brighten your mood, and help you de-stress. And it will be easy, and taste great! We will teach you to listen to your body's need and make great choices. We will be there to coach, and support you, to keep you moving forward, on track, and having fun!
Just by eating the right food, you can get the sexy, flat belly you’ve dreamed of — and have fun every step of the way! Try it NOW for 60 days. 100% money-back guarantee* if your results do not match your effort.
Order now to get your FREE 1 year membership, FREE coaching and the Program of your choice. You'll have access to our online support network, online resources for recipes, snack ideas, exercise routines, even access to healthcare professionals for questions and guidance. Everything you need to get started, stay on track and reach your health goals is at your fingertips, FREE with your Program TODAY!
REVEAL the New You!
Expect to see dramatic results in weeks!
Your mirror will tell you YOU LOOK GOOD! A few weeks into our Melt Your Muffin Top program!: Skinny Jean Slimdown, you can expect a slimmer and shapelier body overall. Your clothes will start to feel loose around the waist. (You’ll probably need to invest in some new pants. How about a new pair of skinny jeans?)
Lose 5…15…even 25 pounds!
Boost your metabolism so you burn fat faster — even at rest!
Gain flexibility and energy!
And just say “no” to crunches!
All that in just 15 minutes a day! What are you waiting for?

Turn-Your Body into a Fat-BURNING MACHINE!
Based on the all-new Flat Belly Yoga! book, our poses are super easy to learn and adapt to your fitness level. Research shows that yoga — especially when combined with light hand weights — helps you zero in on ugly belly fat so you start to see results right away…in just minutes a day. You get a sleek, sexy belly — without a single crunch!

Meet your Personal Coach and Mentor
A visionary in the alternative healthcare field for both people and animals, and owner of SoulFire Sisters Coaching, Dr. Angela Martin-King has been called the “Fire-Starter” of health from within. Dr. Angela believes that health can be created from within, by optimizing nutrition and addressing deficiencies and poor patterns. She will take you step-by-step through the fat-blasting nutrition programs in "Melt Your Muffin Top": Skinny Jean Slimdown. With one of the best coaches in the industry, you will be set for success!
Get a Sexier, Leaner Body in 30 Days or less!
With this amazing nutritional program,
you could lose... 5....10....15 pounds or more!